Cerebral Palsy
‘Exercise is an essential part of a healthy and functional lifestyle, and should become a permanent component of any individual living with CP.’
What is it?
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects the way the brain controls the body’s muscles. It is characterised by abnormal muscle tone, impaired balance and coordination, and loss of selective motor control.
People living with CP may also have a reduced cardiorespiratory fitness level that may limit their participation in physical activity. which can increase the risk of developing other cardiovascular and metabolic diseases later in life. Despite the potential motor disadvantages, individuals with CP possess the capability to optimise their functional capacity and ability to complete every day activities with the aid of an individualised tailored exercise training program.
Exercise and Cerebral Palsy
Exercise is an evidence-based, safe and effective treatment modality in Cerebral Palsy rehabilitation. At Physical Evolution, we implement a range of exercise interventions to manage adults with all levels of Cerebral Palsy. Research has shown that programs consisting of progressive resistance exercise can improve physical performance, strength and mobility. Movement based training is also implemented to reduce spasticity, improve range of motion, and challenge movement patterns such as walking.
Our team at Physical Evolution can tailor a program that can help improve your physical capacity and overall quality of life. We can accomplish this by addressing specific areas such as strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, posture and gait training.
With the use of exercise, our experienced team can also increase your participation and social integration in the home and community. Physical Evolution’s Exercise Physiologist’s and Physiotherapists can modify the activities to meet your needs and physical ability. Our exercise programs can reduce the risk of developing chronic health conditions and improve and maintain overall health and wellbeing for adults living with CP.

Exercise interventions at Physical Evolution can be tailored to achieve many different goals for adults with CP. Whether it is your ability to complete everyday activities such as dressing, walking or even moving around the community, we can help you.
Goals include:
- Improved gross motor skills
- Improved movement mechanics
- Improved strength
- Increased flexibility
- Improved posture
- Increased balance
- Increased cardiorespiratory fitness
- Increased coordination