Physical Evolution

Physical Evolution


What is a LiteGait?

At Physical Evolution, LiteGait is a treatment modality utilised within Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology. LiteGait is an overhead mechanical suspension system utilised for individuals who cannot independently support themselves when standing, walking, or when conducting functional activities. The overhead harness provides safe and secure system to prevent falls when conducting therapeutic activities. 

The LiteGait’s design allows for the simultaneous control of the level of weight-bearing, posture, and balance for targeted, individualised treatment. The LightGait can be used for walking over ground, or over a treadmill, and allows the therapist to manually assist the feet, legs or pelvis to facilitate optimal gait patterns.

Who can benefit from a LiteGait? 

LiteGait therapy may benefit clients with the following conditions:

  • Stroke/CVA (link to stroke page)
  • Cerebral Palsy (link to CP page)
  • Traumatic/Acquired Brain Injury (link to ABI page)
  • Muscular Dystrophy (link to MD page)
  • Spinal Cord Injury 
  • Rett Syndrome (link to RS page)
  • Genetic Disorders 
  • Lower extremity pain
  • Lower extremity and trunk weakness 
  • Weight-bearing restrictions 
  • Diminished cardiopulmonary function or poor physical activity tolerance

How can a LiteGait benefit me? 

Whether you’re learning to walk for the first time, or re-learning walking skills following illness, injury or surgery, taking those first steps may be incredibly daunting and requires a great deal of strength and courage. At Physical Evolution, our team of Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists obtain extensive knowledge in gait training, and in conjunction with LiteGait therapy, can provide clients with a safe, supported environment to learn or re-learn walking skills. 

Research suggests that clients can benefit from LiteGait therapy in neurological rehabilitation in the following ways:

  • Gait training can begin earlier within the rehabilitation process, and at a reduced level
  • Controlled reduction of weight-bearing 
  • Facilitating proper upright posture
  • Increase or decrease the weight-bearing load on the weaker side of the body
  • Improve walking endurance 
  • Improve walking speed
  • Improve weight-bearing capacity 
  • Facilitate biomechanically efficient gait patterns

We operate on an appointment-only basis in a private clinic. Give the clinic a call to find out how we can help you.